Assessments vs Inquiry and Self-Awareness

For many years, I was involved in the psychological/behavioral assessments we’re all familiar with—Myers Briggs, DISC, Enneagram. And these are valid testing and assessment models that assist leaders in understanding themselves. We ask ourselves questions about our personality types, our behavior, our leadership style to learn ways we can lead and govern differently. Today, I believe we have shifted in our approach to leadership and this shift is inherent in my coaching style. 

My style is focused on deep inquiry and visioning.  Knowing beyond personality and behavior and being crystal clear on the vision you are moving into.  I am honored to be on the journey with leaders as they move beyond the self-assessment to self-awareness and applying this understanding to their company operations. My approach has been greatly influenced by Integral theory and its applications, a deep study of sustainability, as well as by research focused on spiritual awareness and integration in the work setting. 

The coronavirus has caused an interruption as well as a platform for leadership self-awareness.  We are in a transformative stage. Leaders are poised to redesign their approach and their operations and create powerful and compassionate cultures and integrate their self-awareness, with their culture and with the world. As old structures and ways fall away; new systems and approaches come to fruition. The company and its leaders must now address increasingly complex world problems that affect all their stakeholders. What I am talking about is a shift in consciousness at all levels of leadership that will enable the company to survive, thrive and contribute to solving the problems before us today. And that shift in consciousness is what my coaching model is all about

Barbara Burton